Episodes start again…

Over the past 2 years, I almost forgot about my episodes. Today was a reminder that they are still a part of my life.

At Costco, as were walking back to the car, I realized I was exhausted. It took every bit of energy I had just to open the car door. I didn’t go totally out but after getting in the car I couldn’t move my legs or lift my eyes more than half way. My body was limp and I could not put my seatbelt on or scooch up in my seat into a more comfortable position.  I was focussing on taking deep breaths while Tavis was loading thte groceries in the car. My speech was slurred but mostly just a moan.

The past few days, I have been getting sick. I felt like my body was fighting something, my stomach has been upset, and I have had low evergy. I have still been running on the treadmill and doing workouts. There haven’t been any major changes in my diet or my daily activities. I ate a protein bar before we left for Costco, approximately 30 minutes before.