Getting Out

by | May 17, 2015 | 3 - Daily Living | 0 comments

Today, my husband went outside to do some yard work.  I thought I could water the school’s potato plants in our driveway.  I got about halfway through watering when I felt my body getting heavy. I was able to get myself down before having an episode. My husband calmly mowed the front yard until a neighbour came running over and asked if she should call an ambulance. My husband assured her I was fine and told her not to worry. A few minutes later I was able to move again. I took a short break then finished watering the plants.

That night my husband and I decided to go to Costco to get some wings for dinner but I had another episode in the car so he decided to go to KFC and take it hoe instead so he wouldn’t have to worry about me in the store.